Publikationen 2019
Al-Abdulla R, Lozano E, Macias RIR, Monte MJ, Briz O, O'Rourke CJ, Serrano MA, Banales JM, Avila MA, Martinez-Chantar ML, Geier A, Andersen JB, Marin JJG (2019)
Epigenetic events involved in organic cation transporter 1-dependent impaired response of hepatocellular carcinoma to sorafenib.
Br J Pharmacol. Mar;176(6):787-800.
Alsenbesy M, Rau M, Weiss J, Götze O, Geier A (2019)
A 2-step fast-track elastometry service for advanced workup of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients - single-center real-world experience of outpatient clinical practice.
Z Gastroenterol. 2019 Oct;57(10):1209-1217.
Best J, Bechmann LP, Sowa JP, Sydor S, Dechêne A, Pflanz K, Bedreli S, Schotten C, Geier A, Berg T, Fischer J, Vogel A, Bantel H, Weinmann A, Schattenberg JM, Huber Y, Wege H, von Felden J, Schulze K, Bettinger D, Thimme R, Sinner F, Schütte K, Weiss KH, Toyoda H, Yasuda S, Kumada T, Berhane S, Wichert M, Heider D, Gerken G, Johnson P, Canbay A (2019)
GALAD Score Detects Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma in an International Cohort of Patients With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. Nov 8. pii: S1542-3565(19)31267-4.
Canbay A, Kälsch J, Neumann U, Rau M, Hohenester S, Baba HA, Rust C, Geier A, Heider D, Sowa JP (2019)
Non-invasive assessment of NAFLD as systemic disease-A machine learning perspective.
PLoS One. Mar 26;14(3):e0214436.
Cook N, Geier A, Schmid A, Hirschfield G, Kautz A, Schattenberg JM, Balp MM (2019)
The Patient Perspectives on Future Therapeutic Options in NASH and Patient Needs.
Front Med (Lausanne). Apr 3;6:61.
Jahn D, Dorbath D, Schilling AK, Gildein L, Meier C, Vuille-Dit-Bille RN, Schmitt J, Kraus D, Fleet JC, Hermanns HM, Geier A (2019)
Intestinal vitamin D receptor modulates lipid metabolism, adipose tissue inflammation and liver steatosis in obese mice.
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. Jun 1;1865(6):1567-1578.
Jahn D, Dorbath D, Kircher S, Nier A, Bergheim I, Lenaerts K, Hermanns HM, Geier A (2019)
Beneficial Effects of Vitamin D Treatment in an Obese Mouse Model of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Nutrients. Jan 3;11(1).
Jahn D, Kircher S, Hermanns HM, Geier A (2019)
Animal models of NAFLD from a hepatologist's point of view.
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. May 1;1865(5):943-953.
Knop V, Hofmann WP, Buggisch P, Klinker H, Mauss S, Günther R, Hinrichsen H, Hüppe D, Pfeiffer-Vornkahl H, Simon KG, Berg T, Manns MP, Friedrich-Rust M (2019)
German Hepatitis C-Registry (Collaborators incl. Geier A). Estimation of liver fibrosis by noncommercial serum markers in comparison with transient elastography in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection receiving direct-acting antiviral treatment.
J Viral Hepat. Feb;26(2):224-230.
Leicht HB, Rau M, Geier A (2019)
Nichtalkoholische Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD).
Pharmakon 6: 54-61.
Liebig S, Stoeckmann N, Geier A, Rau M, Schattenberg JM, Bahr MJ, Manns MP, Jaeckel E, Schulze-Osthoff K, Bantel H (2019)
Multicenter Validation Study of a Diagnostic Algorithm to Detect NASH and Fibrosis in NAFLD Patients With Low NAFLD Fibrosis Score or Liver Stiffness.
Clin Transl Gastroenterol. Aug;10(8):e00066.
Raselli T, Hearn T, Wyss A, Atrott K, Peter A, Frey-Wagner I, Spalinger MR, Maggio EM, Sailer AW, Schmitt J, Schreiner P, Moncsek A, Mertens J, Scharl M, Griffiths WJ, Bueter M, Geier A, Rogler G, Wang Y, Misselwitz B (2019)
Elevated oxysterol levels in human and mouse livers reflect nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
J Lipid Res. Jul;60(7):1270-1283.
Roeb E, Geier A (2019)
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) - current treatment recommendations and future developments.
Z Gastroenterol. Apr;57(4):508-517.
Strnad P, Buch S, Hamesch K, Fischer J, Rosendahl J, Schmelz R, Brueckner S, Brosch M, Heimes CV, Woditsch V, Scholten D, Nischalke HD, Janciauskiene S, Mandorfer M, Trauner M, Way MJ, McQuillin A, Reichert MC, Krawczyk M, Casper M, Lammert F, Braun F, von Schönfels W, Hinz S, Burmeister G, Hellerbrand C, Teufel A, Feldman A, Schattenberg JM, Bantel H, Pathil A, Demir M, Kluwe J, Boettler T, Ridinger M, Wodarz N, Soyka M, Rietschel M, Kiefer F, Weber T, Marhenke S, Vogel A, Hinrichsen H, Canbay A, Schlattjan M, Sosnowsky K, Sarrazin C, von Felden J, Geier A, Deltenre P, Sipos B, Schafmayer C, Nothnagel M, Aigner E, Datz C, Stickel F, Morgan MY, Hampe J, Berg T, Trautwein C (2019)
Heterozygous carriage of the alpha1-antitrypsin Pi*Z variant increases the risk to develop liver cirrhosis.
Gut. Jun;68(6):1099-1107.
Traussnigg S, Schattenberg JM, Demir M, Wiegand J, Geier A, Teuber G, Hofmann WP, Kremer AE, Spreda F, Kluwe J, Petersen J, Boettler T, Rainer F, Halilbasic E, Greinwald R, Pröls M, Manns MP, Fickert P, Trauner M (2019)
Austrian/German NAFLD-norUDCA study group. Norursodeoxycholic acid versus placebo in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 dose-finding trial.
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. Oct;4(10):781-793.
Publikationen 2018
Dultz G, Müller T, Petersen J, Mauss S, Zimmermann T, Muche M, Simon KG, Berg T, Zeuzem S, Hüppe D, Böker K, Wedemeyer H, Welzel TM (2018)
Leberstiftungs-GmbH Deutschland (Collaborators incl. Geier A). Effectiveness and Safety of Direct-Acting Antiviral Combination Therapies for Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus in Elderly Patients: Results from the German Hepatitis C Registry.
Drugs Aging. Sep;35(9):843-857.
Estes C, Anstee QM, Arias-Loste MT, Bantel H, Bellentani S, Caballeria J, Colombo M, Craxi A, Crespo J, Day CP, Eguchi Y, Geier A, Kondili LA, Kroy DC, Lazarus JV, Loomba R, Manns MP, Marchesini G, Nakajima A, Negro F, Petta S, Ratziu V, Romero-Gomez M, Sanyal A, Schattenberg JM, Tacke F, Tanaka J, Trautwein C, Wei L, Zeuzem S, Razavi H (2018)
Modeling NAFLD disease burden in China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, and United States for the period 2016-2030.
J Hepatol. Oct;69(4):896-904.
Geier A, Eichinger M, Stirnimann G, Semela D, Tay F, Seifert B, Tschopp O, Bantel H, Jahn D, Marques Maggio E, Saleh L, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Müllhaupt B, Dufour JF (2018)
Treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients with vitamin D: a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study.
Scand J Gastroenterol. Sep;53(9):1114-1120. doi: 10.1080/00365521.2018.1501091.
Grimaldi-Bensouda L, Wedemeyer H, Wiegand J, Lohse AW, Benichou J, Rossignol M, Larrey D, Abenhaim L, Poynard T, Schott E (2018)
PGRx-ALI study group (Collaborators incl. Geier A). Dronedarone, amiodarone and other antiarrhythmic drugs, and acute liver injuries: a case-referent study.
Int J Cardiol. Sep 1;266:100-105.
Jahn D, Marzioni M, Geier A (2018)
Manipulation of the gut-liver axis by interruption of bile acid recirculation: an option for the treatment of sclerosing cholangitis?
Gut. Sep;67(9):1565-1567.
Jahn D, Geier A (2018)
Bile acids in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: Pathophysiological driving force or innocent bystanders?
Hepatology. Feb;67(2):464-466.
Krawczyk M, Bantel H, Rau M, Schattenberg JM, Grünhage F, Pathil A, Demir M, Kluwe J, Boettler T, Weber SN, Geier A*, Lammert F* (2018)
NAFLD Clinical Study Group (NAFLD CSG). Could inherited predisposition drive non-obese fatty liver disease? Results from German tertiary referral centers.
J Hum Genet. May;63(5):621-626.
Leicht HB, Weinig E, Mayer B, Viebahn J, Geier A, Rau M (2018)
Ceftriaxone-induced hemolytic anemia with severe renal failure: a case report and review of literature.
BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. Oct 25;19(1):67.
Rau M, Rehman A, Dittrich M, Groen AK, Hermanns HM, Seyfried F, Beyersdorf N, Dandekar T, Rosenstiel P, Geier A (2018)
Fecal SCFAs and SCFA-producing bacteria in gut microbiome of human NAFLD as a putative link to systemic T-cell activation and advanced disease. United European
Gastroenterol J. Dec;6(10):1496-1507.
Rau M, Schmitt J, Berg T, Kremer AE, Stieger B, Spanaus K, Bengsch B, Romero MR, Marin JJ, Keitel V, Klinker H, Tony HP, Müllhaupt B, Geier A (2018)
Serum IP-10 levels and increased DPPIV activity are linked to circulating CXCR3+ T cells in cholestatic HCV patients.
PLoS One. Dec 3;13(12):e0208225.
Schwaneck EC, Krone M, Kreissl-Kemmer S, Weißbrich B, Weiss J, Tony HP, Gadeholt O, Schmalzing M, Geier A (2018)
Management of anti-HBc-positive patients with rheumatic diseases treated with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs-a single-center analysis of 2054 patients.
Clin Rheumatol. Nov;37(11):2963-2970.
Weiß J, Geier A (2018)
Stand der Immuntherapie beim HCC.
Journal Onkologie, 12: 52-57.
Publikationen 2017
Heier EC, Meier A, Julich-Haertel M, Djudjaj S, Rau M, Tschernig T, Geier A, Boor P, Lammert F, Lukacs-Kornek V (2017)
1CD103+ dendritic cells protect against steatosis progression towards steatohepatitis.
Journal of Hepatology. pii: S0168-8278(17)30012-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.01.008. [Epub ahead of print].
Geier A, Macias RIR, Bettinger D, Weiss J, Bantel H, Jahn D, Al-Abdulla R, Marin JJG (2017)
The lack of the organic cation transporter OCT1 at the plasma membrane of tumor cells precludes a positive response to sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Oncotarget [Epub ahead of print]
Krawczyk M, Rau M, Schattenberg JM, Bantel H, Pathil A, Demir M, Kluwe J, Boettler T, Lammert F, Geier A (2017)
Combined effects of the TM6SF2 rs58542926, PNPLA3 rs738409 and MBOAT7 rs641738 variants on NAFLD severity: multicentre biopsy-based study.
Journal of Lipid Research 58:247-255.
Weiss J, Geier A (2017, in press)
Kurzbewertung Velpatasvir (Epclusa).
Internistische Praxis.
Dietrich CG, Rau M, Jahn D, Geier A (2017, in press)
Changes in drug transport and metabolism and their clinical implications in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism and Toxicology.
Publikationen 2016
Rau M, Schilling AK, Mertens J, Hering I, Weiss J, Jurowich C, Kudlich T, Hermanns H, Bantel H, Beyersdorf N, Geier A (2016)
Progression from Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Is Marked by a Higher Frequency of Th17 Cells in the Liver and an Increased Th17/Resting Regulatory T Cell Ratio in Peripheral Blood and in the Liver.
Journal of Immunology 196:97-105.
Jahn D, Sutor D, Dorbath D, Weiß J, Götze O, Schmitt J, Hermann HM, Geier A (2016)
Farnesoid X receptor-dependent and -independent pathways mediate the transcriptional control of human fibroblast growth factor 19 by vitamin A.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1859:381-92.
Almanzar G, Mayerl C, Seitz JC, Höfner K, Brunner A, Wild V, Jahn D, Geier A, Fassnacht M, Prelog M (2016)
Expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase type 2 in human thymus.
Steroids 110:35-40.
Weiss J, Rau M, Meertens J, Herbing I, Reichert L, Kudlich T, Koschker AK, Jurowich C, Geier A (2016)
Feasibility of liver stiffness measurement in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery using XL probe.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 51:1263-8.
Kuntzen T, Kuhn S, Kuntzen D, Seifert B, Müllhaupt B, Geier A (2016)
Influence of Ribavirin Serum Levels on Outcome of Antiviral Treatment and Anemia in Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
PLoS One 11:e0158512.
Rau M, Stieger B, Monte MJ, Schmitt J, Jahn D, Frey-Wagner I, Raselli T, Marin JJ, Müllhaupt B, Rogler G, Geier A (2016)
Alterations in Enterohepatic Fgf15 Signaling and Changes in Bile Acid Composition Depend on Localization of Murine Intestinal Inflammation.
Inflamm Bowel Dis 22:2382-9.
Bankoglu EE, Tschopp O, Schmitt J, Burkard P, Jahn D, Geier A*, Stopper H (2016)
Role of PTEN in Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in the Liver of Whole-Body Pten Haplodeficient Mice.
PLoS One 11:e0166956.
Hermann HM, Wohlfahrt J, Mais C, Hergovits S, Jahn D, Geier A (2016)
Endocytosis of pro-inflammatory cytokine receptors and its relevance for signal transduction.
Biol Chem 397:695-708.
Banales JM, Cardinale V, Carpino G, Marzioni M, Andersen JB, Invernizzi P, Lind GE, Folseraas T, Forbes SJ, Fouassier L, Geier A, Calvisi DF, Mertens JC, Trauner M, Benedetti A, Maroni L, Vaquero J, Macias RI, Raggi C, Perugorria MJ, Gaudio E, Boberg KM, Marin JJ, Alvaro D (2016)
Expert consensus document: Cholangiocarcinoma: current knowledge and future perspectives consensus statement from the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA).
Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 13:261-80.
Dietrich CG, Götze O, Geier A (2016)
Molecular changes in hepatic metabolism and transport in cirrhosis and their functional importance.
World J Gastroenterol 22:72-88.
Publikationen 2015
Schmitt J, Kong B, Stieger B, Tschopp O, Schultze SM, Rau M, Weber A, Müllhaupt B, Guo GL*, Geier A* (2015)
Protective effects of farnesoid X receptor (FXR) on hepatic lipid accumulation are mediated by hepatic FXR and independent of intestinal FGF15 signal.
Liver International 35:1133-44.
Weiss J, Rau M, Bantel H, Bock H, Demir M, Kluwe J, Krawczyk M, Pathil-Warth, Schattenberg JM, Tacke, Roeb E, Geier A, Klinische Studiengruppe NAFLD (NAFLD CSG) (2015)
First data concerning the medical supply of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Germany - a survey in university hospital centers of hepatology.
Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie 53:562-7.
Roeb E, Steffen HM, Bantel H, Baumann U, Canbay A, Demir M, Drebber U, Geier A, Hampe J, Hellerbrand, Panthil-Warth A, Schattenberg JM, Schramm C, Seitz HK, Stefan N, Tacke F, Tannapfel A, Lynen Jansen P, Bojunga J (2015)
S2k Guideline non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie 53:668-723.
Becker PP, Rau M, Schmitt J, Malsch C, Hammer C, Bantel H, Müllhaupt B, Geier A (2015)
Performance of Serum microRNAs -122, -192 and -21 as Biomarkers in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
PLoS One. 10:e0142661.
Rau M, Weiss J, Geier A (2015)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 140:1051-5.
Jahn D, Rau M, Hermanns HM, Geier A (2015)
Mechanisms of enterohepatic fibroblast growth factor 15/19 signaling in health and disease.
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 26:625-35.
Publikationen 2014
Eros de Bethlenfalva-Hora C, Mertens JC, Pguet AC, Kettenbach J, Schmitt J, Terracciano L, Weimann R, Dufour JF, Geier A* (2014)
Radiofrequency ablation suppresses distant tumour growth in a novel rat model of multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma.
Clinical Science 126:243-252.
Frei P, Leucht AK, Held U, Kofmehl R, Manser CN, Schmitt J, Mertens J, Rau M, Baur K, Gerlach T, Negro F, Heim M, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Müllhaupt B, Geier A, C. S. G. Swiss Hepatitis. (2014)
Elderly age is not a negative predictive factor for virological response to therapy with pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C virus patients.
Liver International 34:551-557.
Hock A, Valkovic L, Geier A, Kuntzen T, Boesiger P, Henning A (2014)
Navigator based respiratory gating during acquisition and preparation phases for proton liver spectroscopy at 3 T.
NMR in Biomedicine 27:348-355.
Queisser N, Happ K, Link S, Jahn D, Zimnol A, Geier A, Schupp N (2014)
Aldosterone induces fibrosis, oxidative stress and DNA damage in livers of male rats independent of blood pressure changes.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 280:399-407.
Schultze SM, Dietrich M, Hynx D, Geier A, Niessen M, Spinas GA, Hemmings BA, Tschopp O (2014)
Reduced hepatic lipid content in Pten-haplodeficient mice because of enhanced AKT2/PKBbeta activation in skeletal muscle.
Liver International 35:1354-66.
Weiss J, Raum M, Geier A (2014)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: epidemiology, clinical course, investigation, and treatment.
Deutsches Arzteblatt International 111:447-452.
Wojtal KA, Cee A, Lang S, Gotze O, Fruhauf H, Geier A, Pastor-Anglada M, Torres-Torrenteras J, Marti R, Fried M, Lutz TA, Maggiorini M, Gassmann M, Rogler G, Vavricka SR (2014)
Downregulation of duodenal SLC transporters and activation of proinflammatory signaling constitute the early response to high altitude in humans.
American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 307:G673-688.
Dietrich CG, Geier A (2014)
Effect of drug transporter pharmacogenetics on cholestasis.
Expert Opinion Drug Metab Toxicol. 10:1533-51.
Dietrich CG, Geier A (2014)
Effect of drug transporter pharmacogenetics on cholestasis.
Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 10:1533-1551.
Publikationen 2013
Bechmann LP, Kocabayoglu P, Sowa J, Sydor S, Best J, Schlattjan M, Beilfuss A, Schmitt J, Hannivoort A, Kilicarslan A, Rust C, Berr F, Tschopp O, Gerken G, Friedman SL, Geier A, Canbay A* (2013)
Free fatty acids repress small heterodimer partner (SHP) activation and adiponectin counteracts bile acid-induced liver injury in superobese patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Hepatology 57:1394-1406.
Biason-Lauber A, Boni-Schnetzler M, Hubbard BP, Bouzakri K, Brunner A, Cavelti-Weder C, Keller C, Meyer-Boni M, Meier DT, Brorsson C, Timper K, Leibowitz G, Patrignani A, Bruggmann R, Boily G, Zulewski H, Geier A, Cermak JM, Eliott P, Ellis JM, Westphal C, Knobel U, Eloranta JJ, Kerr-Conte J, Pattou F, Konrad D, Matter CM Fontana A, Rogler G, Schlapbach R, Regairaz C, Carballido JM, Glaser B, McBurney MW, Pociot F, Sinclair DA, Donath MY (2013)
Identification of a SIRT1 mutation in a family with type 1 diabetes.
Cell Metabolism 17:448-455.
Goetze O, Schmitt J, Spliethoff K, Theurl I, Weiss G, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, Maggiorini M, Krayenbuhl P, Raum M, Fruehauf H, Wojtal KA, Mullhaupt B, Fried M, Gassmann M, Lutz T, Geier A (2013)
Adaptation of iron transport and metabolism to acute high-altitude hypoxia in mountaineers.
Hepatology 58:2153-2162.
Rau M, Stickel F, Russmann S, Manser CN, Becker PP, Weisskopf M, Schmitt J, Dill MT, Dufour JF, Moradpour D, Semela D, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, Swiss CSG Swiss Hepatitis. (2013)
Impact of genetic SLC28 transporter and ITPA variants on ribavirin serum level, hemoglobin drop and therapeutic response in patients with HCV infection.
Journal of Hepatology 58:669-675.
Geier A (2013)
Hepatitis C update: what has changed? What can we expect in the near future?
MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 155:59-62.
Publikationen 2012
Baur K, Mertens JC, Schmitt J, Iwata R, Stieger B, Eloranta JJ, Frei P, Stickel F, Dill MT, Seifert B, Ferrari HA, von Eckardstein A, Bochud PY, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, CCSG Swiss Hepatitis (2012)
Combined effect of 25-OH vitamin D plasma levels and genetic vitamin D receptor (NR 1I1) variants on fibrosis progression rate in HCV patients.
Liver International 32:635-643.
Baur K, Mertens JC, Schmitt J, Iwata R, Stieger B, Frei P, Seifert B, Bischoff Ferrari HA, von Eckardstein A, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, CCSG Swiss Hepatitis (2012)
The vitamin D receptor gene bAt (CCA) haplotype impairs the response to pegylated-interferon/ribavirin-based therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.
Antiviral Therapy 17:541-547.
Frei-Lanter CM, Vavricka SR, Kruger TH, Tutuian R, Geier A, Bauerfeind P, Krones T, Fried M, Frei P (2012)
Endoscopy for repeatedly ingested sharp foreign bodies in patients with borderline personality disorder: an international survey.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 24:793-797.
Lange CM, Bibert S, Kutalik Z, Burgisser P, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Geier A, Gerlach TJ, Heim MH, Malinverni R, Negro F, Regenass S, Badenhoop K, Bojunga J, Sarrazin C, Zeuzem, Muller T, Berg T, Bochud PY, Moradpur D, CCSG Swiss Hepatitis (2012)
A genetic validation study reveals a role of vitamin D metabolism in the response to interferon-alfa-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C.
PloS one 7:e40159.
Many N, Stickel F, Schmitt J, Stieger B, Soyka M, Frei P, Gotze O, Mullhaupt B, Geier A (2012)
Genetic variations in bile acid homeostasis are not overrepresented in alcoholic cirrhosis compared to patients with heavy alcohol abuse and absent liver disease.
Mutagenesis 27:567-572.
Mertens JC, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Frei P, Bruners P, Herweg C, Mahnken AH, Mullhaupt B, Geier A (2012)
Multikinase inhibitor sorafenib transiently promotes necrosis after radiofrequency ablation in rat liver but activates growth signals.
European Journal of Radiology 81:1601-1606.
Mertens PR, Martin IV, Frye BC, Rauen T, Strauch S, Pabst M, Geier A (2012)
Rat Mrp2 gene expression is regulated by an interleukin-1beta-stimulated biphasic response with enhanced transcription and subcellular shuttling of YB-1.
European Journal of Cell Biology 91:533-541.
Schmitt J, Roderfeld M, Sabrane K, Zhang P, Tian Y, Mertens JC, Frei P, Stieger B, Weber A, Mullhaupt B, Roeb E, Geier A (2012)
Complement factor C5 deficiency significantly delays the progression of biliary fibrosis in bile duct-ligated mice.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 418:445-450.
Geier A, Schadde E, Mullhaupt B (2012)
'Current therapeutic strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 154:63-67; quiz 68-69.
Rau M, Baur K, Geier A (2012)
Host genetic variants in the pathogenesis of hepatitis C.
Viruses 4:3281-3302.
Stickel F, Helbing B, Heim M, Geier A, Hirschi C, Terziroli B, Wehr K, De Gottardi A, Negro F, Gerlach T (2012)
Critical review of the use of erythropoietin in the treatment of anaemia during therapy for chronic hepatitis C.
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 19:77-87.
Clavien PA, Lesurtel M, Bossuyt PM, Gores GJ, Langer B, Perrier A (+ 110 Collaborators: …Geier A,…); OLT for HCC Consensus Group (2012)
Recommendations for liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: an international consensus conference report.
Lancet Oncology 13(1):e11-22.
Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (Collaborators: Moradpour D, Helbling B, Cerny A, De Gottardi A, Heim MH, Majno P, Müllhaupt B, Negro F, Rubbia-Brandt L, Semela D, Vilei SB, Bernsmeier C, Bihl F, Borovicka J, Dill M, Dufour JF, Filipowicz M, Geier A, Gerlach T, Giostra E, Gonvers JJ, Goossens N, Gubler C, Hadengue A, Heim MH, Helbling B, Hellstern M, Hirschi C, Jochum W, Krähenbühl S, Kullak-Ublick G, Lange C, Lavanchy D, Majno P, Malinverni R, McLin V, Mentha G, Mertens JC, Nasser S, Oneta C, Pache I, Rubbia-Brandt L, Sauter B, Semela D, Spahr L, Steuerwald M, Stickel F, Stieger B, Wehr K, Zala G) (2012)
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 with triple therapy comprising telaprevir or boceprevir.
Swiss Med Wkly 142:w13516.
Publikationen 2011 und älter
Dietrich CG, Vehr AK, Martin IV, Gassler N, Rath T, Roeb E, Schmitt J, Trautwein C, Geier A (2011)
Downregulation of breast cancer resistance protein in colon adenomas reduces cellular xenobiotic resistance and leads to accumulation of a food-derived carcinogen. International journal of cancer.
International Journal of Cancer 129:546-552.
Iwata R, Baur K, Stieger B, Mertens JC, Daly AK, Frei P, Braun J, Vergopoulos A, Stickel F, Sabrane K, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Goetze O, Day CP, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, CCSG Swiss Hepatitis (2011)
A common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene is associated with advanced fibrosis in hepatitis C but not in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Clinical Science 120:287-296.
Iwata R, Stieger B, Mertens JC, Muller T, Baur K, Frei P, Braun J, Vergopoulos A, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Goetze O, Bibert S, Bochud PY, Mullhaupt B, Berg T, Geier A, CCSG Swiss Hepatitis (2011)
The role of bile acid retention and a common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene as host factors affecting antiviral treatment response in chronic hepatitis C.
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 18:768-778.
Dutkowski P, Oberkofler CE, Bechir M, Mullhaupt B, Geier A, Raptis DA, Clavien PA (2011)
The model for end-stage liver disease allocation system for liver transplantation saves lives, but increases morbidity and cost: a prospective outcome analysis.
Liver Transplantation 17:674-684.
Dutkowski P, Oberkofler CE, Slankamenac K, Puhan MA, Schadde E, Mullhaupt A, Geier A, Clavien PA (2011)
Are there better guidelines for allocation in liver transplantation? A novel score targeting justice and utility in the model for end-stage liver disease era.
Annals of Surgery 254:745-753; discussion 753.
Frei P, Geier A, Dutkowski P, Mullhaupt B (2011)
[Liver transplantation].
Therapeutische Umschau 68:219-224.
Samaras P, Geier A, Riesterer O, Dutkowski P (2011)
Tumore des biliären Trakts. Häufigkeit, Diagnostik und Therapie.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Onkologie 2:26-31.
Greig PD, Geier A, D´Alessandro AM, Campbell M, Wright L (2011)
Should we perform deceased donor liver transplantation after living donor liver transplantation has failed?
Liver Transplantation 17 Suppl 2:S139-146.
Stieger B, Geier A (2011)
Genetic variations of bile salt transporters as predisposing factors for drug-induced cholestasis, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and therapeutic response of viral hepatitis.
Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 7:411-425.
Martin IV, Schmitt J, Minkenberg A, Mertens JC, Stieger B, Mullhaupt B, Geier A (2010)
Bile acid retention and activation of endogenous hepatic farnesoid-X-receptor in the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease in ob/ob-mice.
Biological Chemistry 391:1441-1449.
Mertens JC, Geier A, Mullhaupt B (2010)
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C - update 2010.
Praxis 99:1015-1028.
Stienstra R, Saudale F, Duval C, Geier A, Keshtkar S, Groener JEM, van Rooijen N, Staels B, Kersten S, Muller M (2010)
Kupffer cells promote hepatic steatosis via interleukin-1ß-dependent suppression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α activity.
Hepatology 51(2), 511-522 (2010) [Correction Hepatology 53(4), 1415 (2011)].
Dietrich CG, Laupichler S, Stanzel S, Winograd R, Al-Taie O, Gartung C, Geier A (2008)
Origin of and therapeutic approach to cardiac syndrome X: results of the proton pump inhibitor therapy for angina-like lingering pain trial (PITFALL trial).
World Journal of Gastroenterology 14:6506-6512.
Dooley S, Hamzavi J, Ciuclan L, Godoy P, Ilkavets I, Ehnert S, Ueberham E, Gebhardt R, Kanzler S, Geier A, Breitkopf K, Weng H, Mertens PR (2008)
Hepatocyte-specific Smad7 expression attenuates TGF-beta-mediated fibrogenesis and protects against liver damage.
Gastroenterology 135:642-659.
Geier A, Martin IV, Dietrich CG, Balasubramaniyan N, Strauch S, Suchy FJ, Gartung C, Trautwein C, Ananthanarayanan N (2008)
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha is a central transactivator of the mouse Ntcp gene. American Journal of Physiology.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 295:G226-233.
Tischendorf JJ, Wopp K, Streetz KL, Bach J, Meyer M, Tischendorf S, Gassler N, Koch A, Geier A, Wasmuth HE, Trautwein C, Winograd R (2008)
The value of duodenal biopsy within routine upper endoscopy: a prospective study in 1000 patients.
Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie 46:771-775.
Tischendorf JJ, Geier A, Trautwein C (2008)
Current diagnosis and management of primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Liver Transplantation 14:735-746.
Dietrich CG, Martin IV, Porn AC, Voigt S, Gartung C, Trautwein C, Geier A (2007)
Fasting induces basolateral uptake transporters of the SLC family in the liver via HNF4alpha and PGC1alpha. American Journal of Physiology.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 293:G585-590.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Trauner M, Gartung C (2007)
Extrahepatic cholestasis downregulates Oatp1 by TNF-alpha signalling without affecting Oatp2 and Oatp4 expression and sodium-independent bile salt uptake in rat liver.
Liver International 27:1056-1065.
Geier A, Wagner M, Dietrich CG, Trauner M (2007)
Principles of hepatic organic anion transporter regulation during cholestasis, inflammation and liver regeneration.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1773:283-308.
Rath T, Roderfeld M, Graf J, Wagner S, Vehr AK, Dietrich CG, Geier A, Roeb E (2006)
Enhanced expression of MMP-7 and MMP-13 in inflammatory bowel disease: a precancerous potential?
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 12:1025-1035.
Roderfeld M, Geier A, Dietrich CG, Siewert E, Jansen B, Gartung C, Roeb E (2006)
Cytokine blockade inhibits hepatic tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression and up-regulates matrix metalloproteinase-9 in toxic liver injury.
Liver International 26:579-586.
Geier A, Deppe H, Willis S, Holy R, Trautwein C, Gartung C (2006)
Multidisciplinary treatment of rectal cancer.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 131:1945-1950.
Geier A, Fickert P, Trauner M (2006)
Mechanisms of disease: mechanisms and clinical implications of cholestasis in sepsis. Nature Clinical Practice.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology 3:574-585.
Geier A, Zollner G, Dietrich CG (2006)
Ernährungsintervention bei Leber- und Gallenerkrankungen.
Ernährung und Medizin 21 (S1)16-19.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Grote T, Beuers U, Prufer T, Fraunberger P, Matern S, Gartung C, Gerbes AL, Bilzer M (2005)
Characterization of organic anion transporter regulation, glutathione metabolism and bile formation in the obese Zucker rat.
Journal of Hepatology 43:1021-1030.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Voigt S, Ananthanarayanan M, Lammert F, Schmitz A, Trauner M, Wasmuth HE, Boraschi D, Balasubramaniyan N, Suchy FJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2005)
Cytokine-dependent regulation of hepatic organic anion transporter gene transactivators in mouse liver. American Journal of Physiology.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 289:G831-841.
Geier A, Gartung C, Theurl I, Weiss G, Lammert F, Dietrich CG, Weiskirchen R, Zoller H, Hermanns B, Matern S (2005)
Occult celiac disease prevents penetrance of hemochromatosis.
World Journal of Gastroenterology 11:3323-3326.
Geier A, Zollner G, Dietrich CG, Wagner M, Fickert P, Denk H, van Rooijen N, Matern S, Gartung C, Trauner M (2005)
Cytokine-independent repression of rodent Ntcp in obstructive cholestasis.
Hepatology 41:470-477.
Hillebrandt S, Wasmuth HE, Weiskirchen R, Hellerbrand C, Keppeler H, Werth A, Schirin-Sokhan R, Wilkens G, Geier A, Lorenzen J, Kohl J, Gressner AM, Matern S, Lammert F (2005)
Complement factor 5 is a quantitative trait gene that modifies liver fibrogenesis in mice and humans.
Nature Genetics 37:835-843.
Wasmuth HE, Kunz D, Yagmur E, Timmer-Stranghoner A, Vidacek D, Siewert E, Bach J, Geier A, Purucker EA, Gressner AM, Matern S, Lammert F (2005)
Patients with acute on chronic liver failure display "sepsis-like" immune paralysis.
Journal of Hepatology 42:195-201.
Zollner G, Wagner M, Fickert P, Geier A, Fuchsbichler A, Silbert D, Gumhold J, Zatloukal K, Kaser A, Tilg H, Denk H, Trauner M (2005)
Role of nuclear receptors and hepatocyte-enriched transcription factors for Ntcp repression in biliary obstruction in mouse liver. American Journal of Physiology.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 289:G798-805.
Lammert F, Wilkens G, Dietrich CG, Geier A, Wasmuth HE, Matern S (2005)
Extrahepatic manifestations of chronic liver diseases.
Versicherungsmedizin 57:64-71.
Dietrich CG, Geier A, Salein N, Lammert F, Roeb E, Oude Elferink RPJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2004)
Consequences of bile duct obstruction on intestinal expression and function of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2.
Gastroenterology 126:1044-1053.
Dietrich CG, Geier A, Wasmuth HE, Matern S, Gartung C, de Waart DR, Oude Elferink RJP (2004)
Influence of biliary cirrhosis on the detoxification and elimination of a food derived carcinogen.
Gut 53:1850-1855.
Geier A, Reugels M, Weiskirchen R, Wasmuth HE, Dietrich CG, Siewert C, Gartung C, Lorenzen J, Bosserhoff AK, Brugmann M, Gressner AM, Matern S, Lammert F (2004)
Common heterozygous hemochromatosis gene mutations are risk factors for inflammation and fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C.
Liver International 24:285-294.
Lammert F, Wang DQ, Hillebrandt S, Geier A, Fickert P, Trauner M, Matern S, Paigen B, Carey MC (2004)
Spontaneous cholecysto- and hepatolithiasis in Mdr2-/- mice: a model for low phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis.
Hepatology 39:117-128.
Siewert E, Dietrich CG, Lammert F, Heinrich PC, Matern S, Gartung C, Geier A (2004)
Interleukin-6 regulates hepatic transporters during acute-phase response.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 322:232-238.
Wasmuth HE, Stolte C, Geier A, Dietrich CG, Gartung C, Lorenzen J, Matern S, Lammert F (2004)
The presence of non-organ-specific autoantibodies is associated with a negative response to combination therapy with interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C.
BMC Infectious Diseases 4:4.
Wasmuth HE, Werth A, Mueller T, Berg T, Dietrich CG, Geier A, Gartung C, Lorenzen J, Matern S, Lammert F (2004)
Haplotype-tagging RANTES gene variants influence response to antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C.
Hepatology 40:327-334.
Wasmuth HE, Werth A, Mueller T, Berg T, Dietrich CG, Geier A, Schirin-Sokhan R, Gartung C, Lorenzen J, Matern S, Lammert F (2004)
CC chemokine receptor 5 delta32 polymorphism in two independent cohorts of hepatitis C virus infected patients without hemophilia.
Journal of Molecular Medicine 82:64-69.
Dietrich CG, Gartung C, Lorenzen J, Geier A, Wasmuth HE, Matern S, Lammert F (2004)
Enlarged cervical lymph nodes and elevated liver chemistry tests: a therapeutic dilemma.
Annals of Hepatology 3:118-120.
Geier A, Gartung C, Matern S (2004)
Regulation of hepatobiliary transporters in cholestatic liver disease.
Medizinische Klinik 99:7-17.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Gerloff T, Haendly J, Kullak-Ublick GA, Stieger B, Meier PJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2003)
Regulation of basolateral organic anion transporters in ethinylestradiol-induced cholestasis in the rat.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1609:87-94.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Voigt S, Kim SK, Gerloff T, Kullak-Ublick GA, Lorenzen J, Matern S, Gartung C (2003)
Effects of proinflammatory cytokines on rat organic anion transporters during toxic liver injury and cholestasis.
Hepatology 38:345-354.
Geier A, Gartung C, Dietrich CG, Wasmuth HE, Reinartz P, Matern S (2003)
Side effects of budesonide in liver cirrhosis due to chronic autoimmune hepatitis: influence of hepatic metabolism versus portosystemic shunts on a patient complicated with HCC.
World Journal of Gastroenterology 9:2681-2685.
Geier A, Mertens PR, Gerloff T, Dietrich CG, En-Nia A, Kullak-Ublick GA, Karpen SJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2003)
Constitutive rat multidrug-resistance protein 2 gene transcription is down-regulated by Y-box protein 1.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 309:612-618.
Roeb E, Purucker E, Gartung C, Geier A, Jansen B, Winograd R, Matern S (2003)
Effect of glutathione depletion and hydrophilic bile acids on hepatic acute phase reaction in rats with extrahepatic cholestasis.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 38:878-885.
Schiffer R, Neis M, Holler D, Rodriguez, Geier A, Gartung C, Lammert F, Dreuw A, Zwadlo-Klarwasser G, Merk H, Jugert F, Baron JM (2003)
Active influx transport is mediated by members of the organic anion transporting polypeptide family in human epidermal keratinocytes.
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 120:285-291.
Dietrich CG, Geier A, Tacke J, Gartung C, Matern S (2003)
Therapie des hepatozellulären Karzinoms.
Dt. Ärzteblatt 100:A772-782.
Dietrich CG, Geier A, Oude Elferink RP (2003)
ABC of oral bioavailability: transporters as gatekeepers in the gut.
Gut 52:1788-1795.
Geier A, Gartung C, Dietrich CG, Lammert F, Wasmuth HE, Matern S (2003)
Diagnosis of cholestatic disorders.
Medizinische Klinik 98:499-509.
Dietrich CG, Geier A, Oude Elferink RPJ, Matern S (2003)
Defense barriers in the body: contribution of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2. Comm.
Toxicol. 9:201-14.
Geier A, Dietrich CG, Lammert F, Orth T, Mayet WJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2002)
Regulation of organic anion transporters in a new rat model of acute and chronic cholangitis resembling human primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Journal of Hepatology 36:718-724.
Geier A, Kim SK, Gerloff T, Dietrich CG, Lammert F, Karpen SJ, Stieger B, Meier PJ, Matern S, Gartung C (2002)
Hepatobiliary organic anion transporters are differentially regulated in acute toxic liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride.
Journal of Hepatology 37:198-205.
Gerloff T, Geier A, Roots I, Meier PJ, Gartung C (2002)
Functional analysis of the rat bile salt export pump gene promoter.
European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 269:3495-3503.
Purucker E, Marschall HU, Geier A, Gartung C, Matern S (2002)
Increase in renal glutathione in cholestatic liver disease is due to a direct effect of bile acids. American Journal of Physiology.
Renal Physiology 283:F1281-1289.
Wasmuth H, Gartung C, Geier A, Lammert F, Matern S (2002)
Die glutensensitive Enteropathie (Zoeliakie, Sprue) – Aspekte der Klassifizierung, Pathogenese, Diagnostik, und Therapie.
Ernährung&Medizin 17:74-77.
Geier A, Gartung C, Staatz G, Nguyen HN, Matern S (2001)
Moderne Diagnostik benigner und maligner Raumforderungen der Leber.
Dt Ärzteblatt 98:A 3120-3131.
Lammert F, Geier A, Figge A, Matern S (2001)
Pathogenese der Cholezystolithiasis – neue molekulare Konzepte.
Chir Gastroenterol 17:108-113.
Wasmuth HE, Stolte C, Koch A, Geier A, Gartung C, Matern S (2000)
Ziele und Strategien der Adipositastherapie.
VitaMinSpur 15:176-179.
Bergmann D, Geier A, von Meyer L (1999)
Determination of lysergic acid diethylamide in body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection--a more sensitive method suitable for routine use.
Journal of Forensic Sciences 44:372-374.
Berghaus TM, Baron A, Geier A, Lamerz R, Paumgartner G (1999)
Hepatotoxicity following desflurane anesthesia.
Hepatology 29:613-614.
Gerloff T, Geier A, Stieger B, Hagenbuch B, Meier PJ, Matern S, Gartung C (1999)
Differential expression of basolateral and canalicular organic anion transporters during regeneration of rat liver.
Gastroenterology 117:1408-1415.
Geier A, Bergmann D, von Meyer L (1996)
Evaluation of a solid-phase extraction procedure for the simultaneous determination of morphine, 6-monoacetylmorphine, codeine and dihydrocodeine in plasma and whole blood by GC/MS.
International Journal of Legal Medicine 109:80-83.
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