
Lang I, Füllsack S, Wyzgol A, Fick A, Trebing J, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Wajant H (2015)
Binding studies of TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) receptors on intact cells.
J Biol Chem. Epub ahead of print].

Chopra M, Brandl A, Siegmund D, Mottok A, Schäfer V, Biehl M, Kraus S, Bäuerlein CA, Ritz M,Mattenheimer K, Schwinn S, Seher A, Grabinger T, Einsele H, Rosenwald A, Brunner T, Beilhack A, Wajant H (2015)
Blocking TWEAK-Fn14 interaction inhibits hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-induced intestinal cell death and reduces GVHD.
Blood 126:437-444.

El-Mesery M, Seher A, Stühmer T, Siegmund D, Wajant H (2015)
MLN4924 sensitizes monocytes and maturing dendritic cells for TNF-dependent and –independent necroptosis.
Br. J. Pharmacol. 172:1222-1236.

Trebing J, Lang I, Chopra M, Salzmann S, Moshir M, Silence K, Riedel SS, Siegmund D, Beilhack A, Otto C, Wajant H (2014)
A novel llama antibody targeting Fn14 exhibits anti-metastatic activity in vivo.
MAbs 6:297-308.

Trebing J, El-Mesery M, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Siegmund D, Silence K, Wajant H (2014)
CD70-restricted specific activation of TRAILR1 or TRAILR2 using scFv-targeted TRAIL mutants.
Cell Death Dis. 5:e1035.


Bittner S, Knoll G, Füllsack S, Kurz M, Wajant H, Ehrenschwender M (2016)
Soluble TL1A is sufficient for activation of death receptor 3.
 FEBS J 283(2):323-36.

Chopra M, Biehl M, Steinfatt T, Brandl A, Kums J, Amich J, Vaeth M, Kuen J, Holtappels R, Podlech J, Mottok A, Kraus S, Jordán-Garrote AL, Bäuerlein CA, Brede C, Ribechini E, Fick A, Seher A, Polz J, Ottmüller KJ, Baker J, Nishikii H, Ritz M, Mattenheimer K, Schwinn S, Winter T, Schäfer V, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Müller TD, Reddehase MJ, Lutz MB, Männel DN, Berberich-Siebelt F, Wajant H, Beilhack A (2016)
Exogenous TNFR2 activation protects from acute GvHD via host T reg cell expansion.
 J Exp Med 213(9):1881-900.

Lang I, Füllsack S, Wyzgol A, Fick A, Trebing J, Arana JA, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Wajant H (2016)
Binding Studies of TNF Receptor Superfamily (TNFRSF) Receptors on Intact Cells.
J Biol Chem 291(10):5022-37.

Siegmund D, Kums J, Ehrenschwender M, Wajant H (2016) 
Activation of TNFR2 sensitizes macrophages for TNFR1-mediated necroptosis.
Cell Death Dis 7(9):e2375.

Wajant H (2016)
Therapeutic targeting of CD70 and CD27.
Expert Opin Ther Targets 20(8):959-73.


Chopra M, Brandl A, Siegmund D, Mottok A, Schäfer V, Biehl M, Kraus S, Bäuerlein CA, Ritz M, Mattenheimer K, Schwinn S, Seher A, Grabinger T, Einsele H, Rosenwald A, Brunner T, Beilhack A, Wajant H (2015)
 Blocking TWEAK-Fn14 interaction inhibits hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-induced intestinal cell death and reduces GVHD.
Blood 126(4):437-44.

El-Mesery M, Seher A, Stühmer T, Siegmund D, Wajant H (2015)
MLN4924 sensitizes monocytes and maturing dendritic cells for TNF-dependent and -independent necroptosis.
Br J Pharmacol 172(5):1222-36

Wajant H (2015)
Principles of antibody-mediated TNF receptor activation.
Cell Death Differ 22(11):1727-41.


Brunekreeft KL, Strohm C, Gooden MJ, Rybczynska AA, Nijman HW, Grigoleit GU, Helfrich W, Bremer E, Siegmund D, Wajant H, de Bruyn M (2014)
Targeted delivery of CD40L promotes restricted activation of antigen-presenting cells and induction of cancer cell death.
Mol Cancer 13:85-.

Ehrenschwender M, Bittner S, Seibold K, Wajant H (2014)
 XIAP-targeting drugs re-sensitize PIK3CA-mutated colorectal cancer cells for death receptor-induced apoptosis.
Cell Death Dis 5:e1570.

Fischer R, Wajant H, Kontermann R, Pfizenmaier K, Maier O (2014)
 Astrocyte-specific activation of TNFR2 promotes oligodendrocyte maturation by secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor.
Glia 62(2):272-83.

Haselmann V, Kurz A, Bertsch U, Hübner S, Olempska-Müller M, Fritsch J, Häsler R, Pickl A, Fritsche H, Annewanter F, Engler C, Fleig B, Bernt A, Röder C, Schmidt H, Gelhaus C, Hauser C, Egberts JH, Heneweer C, Rohde AM, Böger C, Knippschild U, Röcken C, Adam D, Walczak H, Schütze S, Janssen O, Wulczyn FG, Wajant H, Kalthoff H, Trauzold A (2014)
 Nuclear death receptor TRAIL-R2 inhibits maturation of let-7 and promotes proliferation of pancreatic and other tumor cells.
Gastroenterology 146(1):278-90.

Joedicke JJ, Myers L, Carmody AB, Messer RJ, Wajant H, Lang KS, Lang PA, Mak TW, Hasenkrug KJ, Dittmer U (2014)
Activated CD8+ T cells induce expansion of V?5+ regulatory T cells via TNFR2 signaling.
J Immunol 193(6):2952-60

Karl I, Jossberger-Werner M, Schmidt N, Horn S, Goebeler M, Leverkus M, Wajant H, Giner T (2014)
TRAF2 inhibits TRAIL- and CD95L-induced apoptosis and necroptosis.
Cell Death Dis 5:e1444.

Silence K, Dreier T, Moshir M, Ulrichts P, Gabriels SM, Saunders M, Wajant H, Brouckaert P, Huyghe L, Van Hauwermeiren T, Thibault A, De Haard HJ (2014)
ARGX-110, a highly potent antibody targeting CD70, eliminates tumors via both enhanced ADCC and immune checkpoint blockade.
 MAbs 6(2):523-32.

Trebing J, El-Mesery M, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Siegmund D, Silence K, Wajant H (2014)
CD70-restricted specific activation of TRAILR1 or TRAILR2 using scFv-targeted TRAIL mutants.
Cell Death Dis 5:e1035.

Trebing J, Lang I, Chopra M, Salzmann S, Moshir M, Silence K, Riedel SS, Siegmund D, Beilhack A, Otto C, Wajant H (2014)
A novel llama antibody targeting Fn14 exhibits anti-metastatic activity in vivo.
MAbs 6(1):297-308.

Wajant H (2014)
Principles and mechanisms of CD95 activation.
Biol Chem 395(12):1401-16.


Chopra M, Lang I, Salzmann S, Pachel C, Kraus S, Bäuerlein CA, Brede C, Garrote AL, Mattenheimer K, Ritz M, Schwinn S, Graf C, Schäfer V, Frantz S, Einsele H, Wajant H, Beilhack A (2013)
Tumor necrosis factor induces tumor promoting and anti-tumoral effects on pancreatic cancer via TNFR1.
PLoS ONE 8(9):e75737.

Chopra M, Riedel SS, Biehl M, Krieger S, von Krosigk V, Bäuerlein CA, Brede C, Jordan Garrote AL, Kraus S, Schäfer V, Ritz M, Mattenheimer K, Degla A, Mottok A, Einsele H, Wajant H, Beilhack A (2013)
Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2-dependent homeostasis of regulatory T cells as a player in TNF-induced experimental metastasis.
Carcinogenesis 34(6):1296-303.

El-Mesery M, Trebing J, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Siegmund D, Wajant H (2013)
CD40-directed scFv-TRAIL fusion proteins induce CD40-restricted tumor cell death and activate dendritic cells.
Cell Death Dis 4:e916.

Pachel C, Mathes D, Bayer B, Dienesch C, Wangorsch G, Heitzmann W, Lang I, Ardehali H, Ertl G, Dandekar T, Wajant H, Frantz S (2013)
 Exogenous Administration of a Recombinant Variant of TWEAK Impairs Healing after Myocardial Infarction by Aggravation of Inflammation.
PLoS ONE 8(11):e78938.

Rauert-Wunderlich H, Siegmund D, Maier E, Giner T, Bargou RC, Wajant H, Stühmer T (2013)
The IKK inhibitor Bay 11-7082 induces cell death independent from inhibition of activation of NF?B transcription factors.
 PLoS ONE 8(3):e59292.

Salzmann S, Lang I, Rosenthal A, Schäfer V, Weisenberger D, Carmona Arana JA, Trebing J, Siegmund D, Neumann M, Wajant H (2013)
TWEAK inhibits TRAF2-mediated CD40 signaling by destabilization of CD40 signaling complexes.
J Immunol 191(5):2308-18.

Salzmann S, Seher A, Trebing J, Weisenberger D, Rosenthal A, Siegmund D, Wajant H (2013)
Fibroblast growth factor inducible (Fn14)-specific antibodies concomitantly display signaling pathway-specific agonistic and antagonistic activity.
J Biol Chem 288(19):13455-66.

Wajant H (2013)
The TWEAK-Fn14 system as a potential drug target.
Br J Pharmacol 170(4):748-64.


Fick A, Lang I, Schäfer V, Seher A, Trebing J, Weisenberger D, Wajant H (2012)
Studies of binding of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) to fibroblast growth factor inducible 14 (Fn14).
J Biol Chem 287(1):484-95.

Klingseisen L, Ehrenschwender M, Heigl U, Wajant H, Hehlgans T, Schütze S, Schneider-Brachert W (2012)
E3-14.7K is recruited to TNF-receptor 1 and blocks TNF cytolysis independent from interaction with optineurin.
PLoS ONE 7(6):e38348.

Lang I, Fick A, Schäfer V, Giner T, Siegmund D, Wajant H (2012)
 Signaling active CD95 receptor molecules trigger co-translocation of inactive CD95 molecules into lipid rafts.
J Biol Chem 287(28):24026-42.

Steinbrunn T, Siegmund D, Andrulis M, Grella E, Kortüm M, Einsele H, Wajant H, Bargou RC, Stühmer T (2012)
Integrin-linked kinase is dispensable for multiple myeloma cell survival.
Leuk Res 36(9):1165-71.

Stolpmann K, Brinkmann J, Salzmann S, Genkinger D, Fritsche E, Hutzler C, Wajant H, Luch A, Henkler F (2012)
Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor sensitises human keratinocytes for CD95L- and TRAIL-induced apoptosis.
Cell Death Dis 3:e388.

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