Publikationen der ibdw

Publikationen 2022

Traub J, Grondey K, Gassenmaier T, Schmitt D, Fette G, Frantz S, Biovin-Jahns V, Jahns R, Störk S, Stoll G, Reiter T, Hofmann U, Weber MS, Frey A (2022)
Sustained Increase in Serum Glial Fibrillary Acidic Proteinafter First ST-Elevation Myocardial InfarctionInt.
J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(18), 10304;

Publikationen 2019

Appenzeller S, Gesierich A, Thiem A, Hufnagel A, Jessen C, Kneitz H, Regensburger M, Schmidt C, Zirkenbach V, Bischler T, Schilling B, Siedel C, Goebeler ME, Houben R, Schrama D, Gehrig A, Rost S, Maurus K, Bargou R, Rosenwald A, Schartl M, Goebeler M, Meierjohann S (2019)
The identification of patient-specific mutations reveals dual pathway activation in most patients with melanoma and activated receptor tyrosine kinases in BRAF/NRAS wild-type melanomas.
Cancer. 125, 586-600.

Baber R, Hummel M, Jahns R, von Jagwitz-Biegnitz M, Kirsten R, Klingler C, Nussbeck S, Specht C (2019)
Position Statement from the German Biobank Alliance on the Cooperation Between Academic Biobanks and Industry Partners.
Biopreserv Biobank. 17(4), 372-374. doi:10.1089/bio.2019.0042.

Bild R, Bialke M, Buckow K, Ganslandt T, Ihrig K, Jahns R, Merzweiler A, Roschka S, Schreiweis B, Stäubert S, Zenker S, Prasser F (2019)
Towards a comprehensive and interoperable representation of consent-based data usage permissions in the German Medical Informatics Initiative.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making in press.

Gil-Cruz C, Perez-Shibayama C, De Martin A, Ronchi F, van der Borght K, Niederer R, Onder l, Lütge M, Novkovic M, Nindl V, Ramos G, Arnoldini M, Slack E, Boivin-Jahns V, Jahns R, Wyss M, Mooser C, Lambrecht B, Maeder M, Rickli H, Flatz L, Eriksson U, Geuking M, McCoy K, Ludewig B (2019)
Microbiota-derived peptide mimics drive lethal inflammatory cardiomyopathy.
Science 366, 881-886. doi: 10.1126/science.aav3487

Hummel R, Illig T, Jahns R, Kiehntopf M, Lablans M, Meinung B, Nauck M, Nussbeck S, Schirmacher P, Semler S, Specht C (2019)
8th National Biobanking Symposium: Biobanks - Pioneers for FAIR sharing of data and samples in medical research (Biobanken – Vorreiter für FAIRes Teilen von Daten und Proben in der medizinschen Forschung).
TMF-Schriftenreihe, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-89838-747-7

Jahns R, Geiger J, Schlünder I, Strech D, Brumhard M, von Kielmansegg S (2019)
Broad donor consent for human biobanks in Germany and Europe: a strategy to facilitate cross-border sharing and exchange of human biological materials and related data.
Journal Lab. Med. doi: 10.1515/labmed-2017-0064

Kircher S, Stolzenburg A, Kortüm KM, Kircher M, Da Via M, Samnick S, Buck AK, Einsele H, Rosenwald A, Lapa C (2019)
Hexokinase-2 Expression in C-Methionine-Positive, F-FDG-Negative Multiple Myeloma.
J Nucl Med. 60, 348-352.

Morbach C, Gelbrich G, Tiffe T, Eichner F, Wagner M, Heuschmann PU, Störk S; STAAB consortium, Frantz S, Maack C, Ertl G, Fassnacht M, Wanner C, Leyh R, Volkmann J, Deckert J, Faller H, Jahns R (2019)
Variations in cardiovascular risk factors in people with and without migration background in Germany - Results from the STAAB cohort study.
Int J Cardiol. 286, 186-189.

Schollbach J, Kircher S, Wiegering A, Anger F, Rosenwald A, Germer CT, Löb S (2019)
The local immune phenotype influences prognosis in patients with nodal-positive rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2019 Dec 11. doi: 10.1007/s00384-019-03466-0.

Schollbach J, Kircher S, Wiegering A, Seyfried F, Klein I, Rosenwald A, Germer CT, Löb S (2019)
Prognostic value of tumour-infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation: is indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) a friend or foe?
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 68, 563-575.

Schwarz N, Knutti N, Rose M, Neugebauer S, Geiger J, Jahns R, Klopp N, Illig T, Mathay C, Betsou F, Scherag A, Kiehntopf A (2019)
Quality Assessment of the Preanalytical Workflow in Liquid Biobanking: Taurine as a Serum-Specific Quality Indicator for Preanalytical Process Variations.
Biopreserv Biobank. doi: 1089/bio2019.0004

Wallaschek N, Niklas C, Pompaiah M, Wiegering A, Germer CT, Kircher S, Brändlein S, Maurus K, Rosenwald A, Yan HHN, Leung SY, Bartfeld S (2019)
Establishing Pure Cancer Organoid Cultures: Identifica­tion, Selection and Verification of Cancer Phenotypes and Genotypes.
J Mol Biol. 431, 2884-2893.

Publikationen 2018

Appenzeller S, Gesierich A, Thiem A, Hufnagel A, Jessen C, Kneitz H, Regensburger M, Schmidt C, Zirkenbach V, Bischler T, Schilling B, Siedel C, Goe-beler ME, Houben R, Schrama D, Gehrig A, Rost S, Maurus K, Bargou R, Rosenwald A, Schartl M, Goe-beler M, Meierjohann S (2018)
The identification of patient-specific mutations reveals dual pathway acti-vation in most patients with melanoma and activated receptor tyrosine kinases in BRAF/NRAS wild-type melanomas.
Cancer, doi: 10.1002/cncr.31843.

Boivin V, Zechmeister C, Schütz C, Beyersdorf N, Störk S & Jahns R (2018)
First results of the prospec-tive ETiCS-study: acute (microbial-associated) in-flammation rather than (infarction-associated) myo-cardial ischemia triggers the development of cardiac GPCR autoantibodies.
Advances in RAB Research. doi:1018416/RAB.2018.1809021.

Boivin-Jahns V, Jahns R (2018)
GPCR-autoanti-bodies in chronic heart failure; in: Encyclopedia of Bioscience: GPCR-directed autoimmune diseases: Pathophysiology, clinical diagnostic and therapy. F. Boege & G. Riemekasten Eds.
Frontiers in Biosci-ence, pp 1-16.

Geiger J, Both S, Kircher S, Neumann M, Rosenwald A, Jahns R (2018)
Hospital-integrated biobanking as a service - The interdisciplinary Bank of Biomaterials and Data Würzburg.
Open J. Bioresources, 5: 6. DOI:

Hummel M, Illig T, Jahns R, Kiehntopf M, Lieb W, Nauck M, Prokosch HU, Schirmacher P, Semler SC (2018)
7. BB-Symposium: Modern biobanks – fit for purpose! (Moderne Biobanken – Bereit zum Einsatz!)
TMF-Schriftenreihe, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-89838-740-8.

Jahns R, Schirmacher P. (2018) The current ethical and legal framework for human biobanks (Ethik und Rechtslage von humanen Biobanken). Der Pathologe 39, 445 – 448.

Kircher S, Stolzenburg A, Kortuem KM, Kircher M, Da Via M, Samnick S, Buck A, Einsele H, Rosenwald A, Lapa C (2018)
Hexokinase-2 Expression in MET-positive FDG-negative Multiple Myeloma.
J Nucl Med. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.118.217539.

Langhof H, Kahrass H, Illig T, Jahns R, Strech D (2018)
Current Practices for Access, Compensation, and Prioritization in Biobanks. Results from an inter-view study.
Eur. J. Genetics 61, accepted.

Laufs V, Altieri B, Sbiera S, Kircher S, Steinhauer S, Beuschlein F, Quinkler M, Willenberg HS, Rosen-wald A, Fassnacht M, Ronchi CL (2018)
ERCC1 as predictive biomarker to platinum-based chemo-therapy in adreno-cortical carcinomas.
Eur J Endo-crinol 178, 183-190.

Lippert J, Appenzeller S, Liang R, Sbiera S, Kircher S, Altieri B, Nanda I, Weigand I, Gehrig A, Steinhauer S, Riemens RJM, Rosenwald A, Müller CR, Kroiss M, Rost S, Fassnacht M, Ronchi CL (2018)
Targeted Molecular Analysis in Adrenocortical Carcinomas: A Strategy Toward Improved Personalized Prognostica-tion.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 103, 4511-4523.

Morbach C, Gelbrich G, Tiffe T, Eichner F, Wagner M, Heuschmann PU, Störk S; STAAB consorti-um, Frantz S, Maack C, Ertl G, Fassnacht M, Wanner C, Leyh R, Volkmann J, Deckert J, Faller H, Jahns R (2018)
Variations in cardiovascular risk factors in people with and without migration background in Germany - Results from the STAAB cohort study.
Int J Cardiol. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2018.10.098 in press.

Mottok A, Wright G, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Ramsower C, Campo E, Braziel RM, Delabie J, Weisenburger DD, Song JY, Chan WC, Cook JR, Fu K, Greiner T, Smeland E, Holte H, Savage KJ, Glinsmann-Gibson BJ, Gascoyne RD, Staudt LM, Jaffe ES, Connors JM, Scott DW, Steidl C, Rimsza LM (2018)
Molecular classification of primary mediastinal large B-cell lym-phoma using routinely available tissue specimens.
Blood 132, 2401-2405.

Rauert-Wunderlich H, Mottok A, Scott DW, Rimsza LM, Ott G, Klapper W, Unterhalt M, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Hermine O, Hartmann S, Thorns C, Rymkiewicz G, Holte H, Dreyling M, Hoster E, Rosenwald A (2018)
Validation of the MCL35 gene expression pro-liferation assay in randomized trials of the European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Network.
Br J Haematol, doi: 10.1111/bjh.15519.

Ritter J, Zimmermann K, Jöhrens K, Mende S, Seegebarth A, Siegmund B, Hennig S, Todorova K, Rosenwald A, Daum S, Hummel M, Schumann M (2018)
T-cell repertoires in refractory coeliac disease.
Gut 67, 644-653.

Publikationen 2017

Lesch W, Schütt A, Jahns R (2017)
Biobanken in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung: Verständnis, Interesse und Motivation von Probenspendern in Deutschland. In Gesundheitsforschung kommunizieren, Stakeholder Engagement gestalten (Lesch W & Schütt A, Hrsg.); TMF-Schriftenreihe, Band 14, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, MWV, Berlin 12/2016, S.113 - 121. ISBN 978-3-95466-286-9.

Schütt A, Lesch W, Jahns R (2017)
Was erwarten Wissenschaftler von zentralisierten Biobanken? Eine qualitative Stakeholder-Analyse. In Gesundheitsforschung kommunizieren, Stakeholder Engagement gestalten (Lesch W & Schütt A, Hrsg.); TMF-Schriftenreihe, Band 14, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, MWV, Berlin 12/2016, S.161 - 173. ISBN 978-3-95466-286-9.

Publikationen 2016

Bornholz B, Benninghaus T, Reinke Y, Felix SB, Roggenbruck D, Boivin V, Jahns R, Boege F (2016)
A standardized FACS-assay based on native, recep-tor-transfected cells for the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of beta1-adrenoceptor auto-abs in human heart disease.
Clin. Chem. & Lab. Med. 15, 603-611.

Bornholz B, Hanzen B, Reinke Y, Felix SB, Jahns R, Schimke I, Wallukat G, Boege F (2016)
Detection of DCM-associated beta1-adrenergic receptor autoanti-bodies requires functional readouts or native human beta1-receptors as targets.
Int. J. Cardiol 202, 728-730.

Illig T, Hummel M, Jahns R, Kiehntopf M, Lieb W, Nauck M, Nußbeck S, Prokosch HU, Schirmacher P, Semler SC, Siddiqui RA (2016)
Biobanks as mediators between health care and research. Biobanken als Bindeglied zwischen Versorgung und Forschung.
TMF-Schriftenreihe, Berlin ISBN 978-3-89838-721-7.

Jahns R (2016)
Establishing and operating a human biobank: Ethical aspects.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 59, 311-316.

Jahns R (2016)
Frozen samples are scientist’s gold: German biobank develops standards for European Research Associations.
Europ. Hospital 26 (03/16): 10-11.

Strech D, Bein S, Brumhard M, Eisenmenger W, Glinicke C, Herbst T, Jahns R, von Kielmansegg S, Schmidt G, Taupitz J, Tröger HD (2016)
A template for broad consent in biobank research: results and explanation of an evidence & consensus-based de-velopment process.
Eur. J. Med. Genet 59, 295-309.

Publikationen 2015

Horn H, Ziepert M, Wartenberg M, Staiger AM, Barth TF, Bernd HW, Klapper W, Stuhlmann-Laeisz C, Hummel M, Stein H, Lenze D, Hartmann S, Hanse-mann M, Cogliatti S, Pfreundschuh M, Trumper l, Glass B, Schmitz N, Ott G, Rosenwald A (2015)
Different biological risk factors in young poor-prognosis and elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Leukemia 29, 1564-1570.

Hummel M, Illig T, Jahns R, Kiehntopf M, Krawczak M, Nauck M, Nußbeck S, Prokosch H, Schirmacher P, Semler SC (2015)
Networking of biobanks as a peacemaker for medical research. (Biobankennetzwerke als Schrittmacher der medizinischen Forschung).
TMF-Schriftenreihe, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-89838-800-7.

Jahns R, Boege F (2015)
Questionable validity of peptide-based ELISA strategies in the diagnostic of cardio-pathogenic autoantibodies that activate G protein-coupled receptors.
Cardiology 131, 149-150.

Momose S, Weissbach S, Pischimarov J, Nedeva T, Bach E, Rudelius M, Geissinger E, Staiger AM, Ott G, Rosenwald A (2015)
The diagnostic gray zone between Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is also a gray zone of the mutational spectrum.
Leukemia e1 - 3 (online).

Publikationen 2014

Beck F, Geiger J, Gamaryan S, Veit J, Vaudel M, Nollau P, Kohlbacher O, Martens L, Walter U, Sick-mann A, Zahedi RP (2014)
Timeresolved characterization of CAMP/PKA-dependent signaling reveals that platelet inhibition is a concerted process involving multiple signaling pathways.
Blood 30,123, e1-e10.

Bornholz B, Roggenbuck D, Jahns R, Boege F (2014)
Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of beta1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in human heart disease.
Autoimmun. Rev. 13, 954 -962.

Bouska A, McKeithan TW, Deffenbacher K, Lachel C, Wright GW, Iqbal J, Smith LM, Zhang W, Kucuk C, Rinaldi A, Bertoni F, Fitzgibbon J, Fu K, Weisenburger D, Greiner T, Dave B, Gascoyne R, Rosenwald A, Campo E, Rimsza LM, Delabie J, Braziel RM, Connors JM, Staudt LM, Chan WC (2014)
Genome-wide copy nmb analyses reveal genomic abnormalities involved in transformation of follicular lymphoma.
Blood 123, 1681-1690

Hummel M, Illig T, Jahns R, Kiehntopf M, Krawczak M, Nußbeck S, Schirmacher P, Semler SC (2014)
Biobank-based research in Germany: from concepts to realisation (Biobanken-Forschung in Deutschland: Vom Konzept zur Realisierung).
TMF-Schriftenreihe, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-89838-700-2.

Ströbel P, Hartmann E, Rosenwald A, Kalla J, Friedel G, Schalke B, Kasahara M, Tomaru U, Marx A. (2014) Corticomedullary differentiation & maturational arrest in thymoma. Histopathology 64, 557 – 566.


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Prof. Dr.
Roland Jahns

Direktor der ibdw

+49 931 201-47001

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Interdisziplinäre Biomaterial- und Datenbank Würzburg (ibdw) | Straubmühlweg 2a | Haus A8 | 97078 Würzburg | Deutschland
