Grant-Funded Projects Rehabilitation Sciences
Early reintegration for mentally ill employees: Combining work-time adjustments with outpatient job related intervention - ZaTaB
The ZaTaB program ("ZeitRaum" in the external presentation) promotes the reintegration of mentally ill employees through a combination of reduced working hours and a psychological intervention.
ZaTaB enables employees to reduce their working hours through an employer subsidy for up to 12 months without loss of salary and to receive complimentary psychological support with a focus on job-related issues. ZaTaB also offers the option of a vocational counseling without participating in the combined benefit. The pilot project is being evaluated quantitatively (five measurement points) and qualitatively. The main research questions focus on its practicability and the influence of the intervention on work-ability and well-being.
For more information visit the project website (in German):
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) Nordbayern (coordinating applicant)
- DRV Bund
- Berufsförderungswerk Nürnberg
- Bezirkskrankenhaus Lohr
- Bezirkskrankenhaus Werneck
- Institute for Quality Assurance in Prevention and Rehabilitation (IQPR) at the German Sport University Cologne
- Prof. Dr. Heiner Vogel
E-Mail: Vogel_h1@