Grant-Funded Projects Rehabilitation Sciences
Effectiveness of a behavioral-medical rehabilitation with different psychological group interventions for low back pain patients - VOR-psy
Behavioral-medical rehabilitation (VOR) is a specific offer for rehabilitants with mental comorbidity or problems in coping with illness. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of VOR with different psychological group programs - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Zurich Resource Model (ZRM®) - in rehabilitants with chronic back pain.
We conduct a multicenter, quasi-experimental control group study with four measurement occasions (start of rehab, end of rehab, 6- and 12-month follow-up).
- Argentalklinik, Isny-Neutrauchburg
- Mühlenbergklinik - Holsteinische Schweiz, Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen
- Deegenbergklinik, Bad Kissingen
- Reha-Zentrum Schömberg, Klinik Schwarzwald
- Klinikum Bad Bramstedt
- PD Dr. Karin Meng
E-Mail: meng_k@