Grant-Funded Projects Peripartum mental disorders
U-examination for children plus parents at the pediatrician to promote child development with impulses from gynaecological prenatal care - UPlusE
In this Germany-wide study, pregnant women and young parents will be screened for mental illness using an app during their antenatal check-ups at the gynaecologist and during their children's medical check-ups at the paediatrician and, if necessary, referred to the appropriate treatment or counselling services.
The inclusion of test subjects will take place from 02/2024-06/2026.
Aims and goals
The aim of the study, which is subsidised with 4.6 million euros by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee, is to ensure that screening is included in the standard care provided by statutory health insurance funds and thus improve the health of young families in the long term.
Further information can be found at and in the UPlusE flyer.
- M.Sc. Freya Lanczik
E-Mail: lanczik_f@