Functional Neuroanatomy

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Our goal is to learn more about the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders, depression, ADHD and neurodegenerative diseases, including their respective treatment with the help of animal models.

Research focus

  • Approach and avoidance behavior in a social context: Influence of social buffering (e.g. through the mere presence of a conspecific) on the behavior of mice in an animal model for social anxiety disorder (social phobia) (RTG 2660 SP C3).
  • Molecular mechanisms of social and emotional behavior, e.g. epigenetic programming, gene x environment interaction (RTG 2660 SP C3)
  • Neurobiological basis of behavior with a focus on the serotonergic, dopaminergic and glutamatergic system and its influence on learning & memory, on the induction of social fear and the effectiveness of social buffering (RTG 2660 SP C3), attention and impulsivity
  • Neuronal plasticity with focus on the role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and neuromorphology in the limbic system of animal models of anxiety, depression and neurodegenerative disorders (with a focus on Alzheimer`s disease)


Current projects

  • German Research Foundation:
    Subproject C3 “Role of the serotonergic system in approach and avoidance behavior in social situations” of the research training group “Neural mechanisms of (mal)adaptive approach and avoidance behavior” (RTG 2660/1)


Publications of the working group can be found on pubmed or in the list of publications of our hospital.


Portraitfoto von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Angelika Schmitt-Böhrer

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Angelika Schmitt-Böhrer

Head of the functional neuroanatomy laboratory

+49 931 201-76402


Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg
