Clinical Anxiety Research

Joint research group of the Center of Mental Health, Würzburg and the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich

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Research areas

The research group investigates genetic, epigenetic, protein-related and hormonal mechanisms in the development of pathological fears. We conduct analysis in patient cohorts with various anxiety disorders usually in comparison to healthy subjects. In addition to genetics and epigenetics, further molecular processes such as gene expression and microRNA are examined. Stressful life events are often reported as risk for development of pathological anxiety, therefore, we investigate the effects of the environment on molecular processes in patients in addition to the disease-specific factors. In order to assess therapy-related biological features, molecular examinations are carried out several times during the course of therapy in patients with different anxiety disorders. The main aim of the therapy-related studies is to identify biological factors which can be used in the clinic to predict the therapy outcome.

The research group focuses on etiological risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders and the biological mechanisms of action of psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions in patients with anxiety disorders.



  • Prof. Dr. med. Angelika Erhardt-Lehmann
    Tel.: +49 931 201-77130
    E-Mail: Erhardt_A@

Research associates

  • Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Hutterer 

Study Nurse

  • Theresa Troll

Collaboration Projects

  • ELAN (DFG-gefördert): Entscheidungskonflikte und Lernen in der Behandlung von Angststörungen
    PI Dr. André Pittig, Forschungsgruppe Kognitive Kontrolle, Stress und Gesundheit
    Further information can be found here.
  • Behandlung von Höhenphobie in virtueller Realität und rTMS (DFG gefördert)
    PI Prof. Martin Herrmann, Forschungsgruppe nicht-invasive Hirnstimulation
    Further information can be found here.
  • Auftrittsangst
    Further information can be found here.
  • ZO2 Follow-up-Studie (DFG-gefördert)
  • NAKO: Nationale Gesundheitskohorte; Erfassung von Gesundheits- und Krankheitsfaktoren in der Allgemeinbevölkerung
    Further information can be found here.
  • International: PGC Anxiety, Enigma Anxiety


Publications of the working group can be found on pubmed.

Head of Hospital

Prof. Dr. med. Angelika Erhardt-Lehmann

Prof. Dr. med.
Angelika Erhardt-Lehmann

W2 professor in clinical anxiety research


Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg
