• Illustration: Repertoire von T-Zellen
  • Illustration: Juniorgruppe von Clément Cochain
  • Illustration: Herz in Flammen

The next generation in research

Supporting the next generation of researchers is an important concern within in the CHFC. Students from the medical faculty already can participate in our clinical research projects. Doctoral candidates can already work in projects within our institute. Also, postgraduate students can become leaders of Junior Research Groups within the CHFC. In addition there are many working groups focusing on prevention, underlying mechanisms and treatment of heart failure. 

Within the CHFC there are not only the four departments but also several Junior groups, either financed by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) or the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF) of the University Wurzburg. The funding period is restricted to five years. The research interest of the Junior Groups is focused within the three main project areas of the CHFC: Myocardium, heart and brain, metabolism and other organs. Their work is also supported by the infrastructure of the CHFC and its four departments as well as by the department of cardiology (Medizinische Klinik I) from the university clinic.

Junior Research Groups:

Up to now there are three Junior Research Groups within the CHFC:

  • Gustavo Ramos leading the laboratory for immunocardiology
  • Clément Cochain is investigating the function of macrophages in myocardial repair and regeneration
  • Jan Dudeks Junior Research Group is investigating mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiomyopathies.

Working Research Groups:

There are also many Working Research Groups within the CHFC, tightly cooperating with affiliated clinical departments:

  • AG Petra Eder-Negrin
  • AG Frantz/Frey/Hofmann
  • AG Pelzer/Arias
  • AG Nordbeck
  • AG Wanner
  • AG Bauer
  • AG Higuchi
  • AG Köstler/Bley



Contact Person

Portraitfoto von PhD Clement Cochain

Clement Cochain


+49 931 201-46520

Portraitfoto Dr. rer. nat. Jan Dudek

Dr. rer. nat.
Jan Dudek


+49 931 201-46426

Portraitfoto PhD Gustavo Ramos

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Gustavo Ramos, PhD

Leiter des Immunkardiologischen Labors, Heisenberg-Professur für Immunkardiologie

+49 931 201-46477



+49 931 201-46333 (office)

+49 931 201-46300/01 (outpatient department)



Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz Würzburg | Universitätsklinikum Würzburg |
Am Schwarzenberg 15 | Haus A15 | 97078 Würzburg | Deutschland
