ACL-UCI: Academic Core Lab Ultrasound-based Cardiovascular Imaging
Besides high-quality quantitative and qualitative imaging analysis, the ACL-UCI provides complete on-site and off-site training including live demonstrations, site instruction manuals, and site certification.
- Echocardiographic analysis from transthoracic and transoesophageal scans
- Assessment of left ventricular size (diameter, volumes)
- Assessment of right ventricular size (diameter, areas, volumes)
- Assessment of left ventricular function (MAPSE, PW-Doppler/TVI derived s', ejection fraction, global strain analysis)
- Assessment of right ventricular function (TAPSE, PW Doppler/TVI derived s', fractional area change, RV ejection fraction, RV longitudinal strain)
- Quantitative assessment of regional wall motion
- Assessment or ventricular wall thickness
- Quantitative assessment of mitral and aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation
- Detailed assessment regarding percutaneous aortic and mitral valve Interventions
- Quantitative assessment of triscupid and pulmonic valve stenosis and regurgitation
- Comprehensive Doppler analyses
- 2D regional myocardial function analysis (vendor neutral)
- 3D strain and dyssynchrony analyses by spekce tracking (vendor neutral)
- 3D LV twist (vendor neutral)
- Detailed assessment of mitral valve by 3D echocardiography
Cardiac computed tomography
- Cardiac computed tomography
- Detailed assessment of aortic valve structures regarding TAVI
Vascular sonography
- Vascular sonography
- Assessment of intima media thickness (IMT)
- Detailed assessment of vascular plaques (caotid and femoral arteries)
- Assessment of vasoreactivity
Beyond ultrasound analysis
- Individualized expert consult regarding the specific needs of your study
- Biometric support regarding sample size and parameter selection
- On-site and off-site Training
- Site instruction Manuals
- Site certification for individual study
- Standardized case report forms (CRFs)
- Reporting (report turnover adapted to individual needs of your study)