Outpatient treatment
Where do you find us?
The Outpatient Clinic of Psychiatry is located in the Center of Mental Health, in the Grombühl district, at Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1, formerly Füchsleinstraße 15. The Center can be reached by tram lines 1 and 5 in the direction of Grombühl from Würzburg main station. The Center is approximately five minutes' walk from the Wagnerplatz stop. You can easily find your way around using the site plan.
Registration and appointments can be made
- by phone +49 931 201-77800
- or by fax +49 931 201-77840
- or by mail ep_poli@ ukw.de
through the secretary’s office during office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 7:30 to 16:00
Wednesday from 7:30 to 15:30
Friday from 7:30 to 13:30
In case of emergency
In an acute psychiatric crisis, patients can come to our intensive care unit around the clock, either on their own or after being referred. In this case, please report to the reception desk in the entrance area of the main building. You will be redirected from there.
General and specialised consultation hours
The polyclinic offers outpatient general consultation hours, specialised consultation hours and a private consultation hour. Specific goals of outpatient treatment are disease prevention, early detection, relapse prevention and the avoidance of undesirable therapeutic effects. The outpatient care includes family counselling, crisis intervention, addiction prevention, and suicide prevention. In addition to regular outpatient treatment, the various specialised outpatient clinics also provide post-inpatient care for patients who have completed an inpatient stay.
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders
The specialised outpatient clinic for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders diagnoses, treats and advises patients with
- panic disorder and agoraphobia
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAS)
- social phobia
- anxiety and depression
- compulsive disorders, compulsive thoughts, compulsive actions, compulsive impulses
Consultation hours
Monday and Tuesday mornings by prior appointment
Registration and appointment
phone: +49 931 201 77800
fax: +49 931 201 77840
Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervision
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Unterecker
Further information
More detailed information on the disorders and therapy is available at the clinical focus on anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders as well as in the brochure on the specialised outpatient clinic for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders (in German).
The specialised outpatient clinic for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sees itself as a family outpatient clinic in cooperation with the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence (KJPPP). Within the framework of disorder-specific group therapies, but also in individual therapies, patients are taught skills for coping with symptoms and their implementation in everyday life.
Consultation hours
Tuesday morning by prior appointment
Registration and appointment
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
Fax: +49 931 201-77840
Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervision
Dr. med. Matthias Nieberler
Further Information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy is available at the clinical focus ADHD in Adulthood .
In the specialised outpatient clinic, adults from the age of 18 years and older undergo a detailed diagnosis if there is a suspected presence of a disorder from the autism spectrum. Following the diagnosis, recommendations are made for further action and therapeutic options.
In addition, we take over the continuing treatment of patients from the age of 18 who have already been treated for autism at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (KJPPP).
Registration and appointments
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
Fax: +49 931 201-77840
Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervision
Dr. med. Bodo Warrings
Senior physician
Bipolar-affective disorders
The inpatient treatment is supplemented in the outpatient area by an affiliated special outpatient clinic.
Please note that due to capacity reasons we prefer patients from a Circumference of about 150 km. Other special outpatient clinics for bipolar affective disorders are located in Frankfurt, Munich, Augsburg, Erlangen and Stuttgart.
Consultation hours
By appointment.
Registration and appointment
phone: +49 931 201 77800
fax: +49 931 201 77840
Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Telephone consultation hours
In order to be able to offer low-threshold help to those affected, we can be reached by phone: +49 931 201-76386 on Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.
Please note that this is not an emergency number. In urgent cases, please contact the service telephone of our clinic at +49 931 201-76050.
Medical supervision:
Dr. med. Matthias Nieberler
Further information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy can be found under the clinical focus on bipolar-affective disorders and in the brochure on the specialised outpatient clinic for bipolar disorders (in German).
Deletion syndrome 22q11.2
Deletion syndrome 22q11.2 is one of the most common genetic changes in humans. In about one in every 2500 newborn children, a tiny part of the genetic material on chromosome 22 is missing. This loss of genetic material, known as a deletion, leads to physical symptoms and frequently to mental disorders in the course of development.
The Center of Mental Health in Würzburg has been appointed "Competence Center" by the self-help association KiDS-22q11 e.V. Various professionals from the medical, psychological and socio-pedagogical fields as well as from occupational therapy and speech therapy work together in this specialised outpatient clinic. This comprehensive and multi-professional diagnosis and treatment can improve the quality of life for children and adolescents as well as for adults.
Registration via the office of the outpatient clinic (KJPPP)
Phone: +49 931 201-78630
E-Mail: kj_ambulanz@ ukw.de
Contact person for adults
Dr. med. Bodo Warrings
E-Mail: warrings_b@ ukw.de
Registration via the office of the outpatient clinic (PPP)
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
E-Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervision
Prof. Dr. med. Marcel Romanos (KJPPP)
Department director child and adolescent psychiatry
Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Deckert (PPP)
Department director psychiatry
Scientific advisory services
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-Peter Lesch
Senior professor
Chair of Molecular Psychiatry
Further Information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy is available in the brochure for the special outpatient clinic for deletion syndrome 22q11.2 (in German) and directly in the treatment center 22q11.2 in the Center for Rare Diseases (ZESE) (in German).
Early Diagnosis Consultation (FESP)
This service is aimed at young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 who have noticed changes in themselves that may be early warning symptoms of a mental illness. These include changes in thinking, thought content and perception or social withdrawal, concentration and attention disorders as well as sleep disturbances.The correct interpretation of such symptoms is enormously important for the early recognition and treatment of a possible mood disorder such as depression and bipolar affective disorder, or psychoses, such as schizophrenia, because the course can be positively influenced.The potential risk can be determined in a detailed clinical interview, with tests and laboratory diagnostics.
Office hours
Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment
Registration and appointment
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
Fax: +49 931 201-77840
E-Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervision
Dr. med. Matthias Nieberler
Further information
You can find more detailed information and a list of other early symptoms in the flyer of the early diagnosis outpatient clinic.
Memory Outpatient Clinic
In the memory clinic, the causes of declining cognitive performance are comprehensively examined in several appointments, and possible dementia is diagnosed or excluded. If necessary, therapy is introduced to slow down the process. Affected persons and family members receive comprehensive counselling and information about the support options available. Every three to six months, a follow-up appointment is scheduled to examine the course of the disease.
Registration and appointments
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
Fax:+49 931 201-77840
E-Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervisor
PD Dr. med. Martin Lauer
Managing senior physician
Further Information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy can be found under the clinical focus dementia and the brochure on the memory outpatient clinic (in German). The brochure Ambulante Psychiatrische Pflege (Outpatient Psychiatric Care) (in German) provides information on support options.
Mother-child clinic
The mother-child outpatient clinic is a specialised outpatient clinic for mental disorders that are directly related to childbirth. These include post-partum depression and psychoses that occur immediately after childbirth (Latin: post partum) and last for more than two weeks. However, the clinic also treats fathers and advises parents with mental health problems who wish to have children.
The main focus of the mother-child clinic is on:
- Postpartum mental disorders
- Mental health problems during pregnancy
- Desire to have children in case of mental health problems
Consultation hours at the women's hospital:
The mother and child clinic is run in cooperation with the women's hospital of the University Hospital and takes place on the premises of the women's hospital, on the 3rd floor, house C15, Josef-Schneider-Str. 4. You can easily find your way around using the site plan.
Consultation hours
Monday and Tuesday in the afternoon and Thursday by prior appointment.
Registration and appointment
Phone: +49 931 201-77800 or +49 931 201-77535
Fax: +49 931 201-77840
E-Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervisors and staff of the PPP
- Dr. med. Andrea Gehrmann
Specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy - Amely Bauch
Pediatric Nurse - Dipl.-Psych. Dr. rer.nat. Agnieszka Gajewska
Further Information
More detailed information on the clinical pictures and the therapy can be found under the clinical focus post-partum depression and in the <link file:29898 _blank download "download flyer as PDF">brochure on the mother-child clinic</link> (in German).
Psychotherapy and trauma outpatient clinic
Psychotherapy and trauma outpatient clinic
We are a qualified team of psychological and medical psychotherapists who provide cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Our special focus is on a well-founded diagnostic clarification as well as consultation on various therapeutic treatment options.
In principle, we can treat all mental disorders for which a behavioral therapy approach is indicated. These include:
- Depression
- anxiety disorders
- reactions to severe stress and adjustment disorders,
- obsessive-compulsive disorders
- somatoform disorders.
We also advise patients within the framework of the BKK ProPsych care contract.
We offer acutely traumatized patients a prompt appointment for an initial diagnostic interview and advise them on further trauma-specific therapy.
In individual cases, we can also make a therapy offer, but in most cases we subsequently refer to an individually tailored treatment offer.
Medical supervision
Dr. Giti Bakhtiari (Psychotherapie)
Dr. Marion Schowalter (Trauma)
Further Information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy is available in the brochure on the Trauma ambulance (in German).
Consultation hours
Monday to Friday by appointment
Registration and appointments
Phone: +49 931 201-77800
Fax: +49 931 201-77840
E-mail: ep_poli@ ukw.de
In the specialised outpatient clinic for addiction diseases, we mainly treat patients with an addiction to:
- alcohol
- sleep and pain medications
- nicotine
Treatment only makes sense if there is a real desire to get rid of the addiction. For this reason, before making an appointment, we ask you to answer the questions in the quick-assessment test and, if necessary, to make a personal appointment for a consultation afterwards.
Registration and appointment
Phone: +49 931 201 77800
fax: +49 931 201 77840
E-Mail: ep-poli@ ukw.de
Medical supervisor
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Unterecker
Further information
More detailed information on the clinical picture and therapy can be found under the clinical focus addiction diseases and in the brochure on the specialised outpatient clinic for addiction medicine (in German).
Private consultation hours
Please make an appointment for a private consultation with the senior physicians of the department by calling +49 931 201-77800.