Family groups and familiy consultation

Relatives and people from the social circle of mentally ill persons are invariably also affected. Besides having questions about the illness itself, many feel overwhelmed and unsettled by the situation. For this reason, modern psychiatric treatment – depending on the patient's consent – always includes relatives.

Psychoeducative groups

In the wide range of opportunities to involve relatives in treatment, such as in family meetings, the importance of psychoeducational groups is enormous. Under professional guidance, friends and family members receive information and gain emotional relief for themselves and in dealing with the disease. They receive information on the background, the causes and symptoms, the course, and the necessary therapeutic measures of the respective illness. This disorder-specific knowledge helps to reduce insecurity and emotional stress and to recognize possible early-warning symptoms. Thus, it is often possible to counteract any relapse of the disease and avoid a stay in hospital.

Dates and registration

Psychoeducational groups are offered as needed for relatives of patients with bipolar disorders, depression, and psychosis. The group meetings take place in the form of evening and weekend events.

You may register at the nursing staff bases on the respective main wards or the nursing staff of the psychiatric day-care clinic. They will also inform you on the scheduled dates.

Relatives inform relatives

Twice a year, the “Association of Relatives of Mentally Ill Patients Würzburg and Surroundings” (Verein Angehöriger psychisch Kranker Würzburg und Umgebung, APK Würzburg) together with the Bavarian State Association of Relatives of Mentally Ill Patients (Bayerischer Landesverband der Angehörigen psychisch Kranker e.V.) offers the project “Relatives Inform Relatives” to family members of psychosis patients in our hospital. In this form of self-help psychoeducation, an exchange of experience and knowledge is moderated by trained relatives with professional support and under the supervision of hospital staff. Usually, this takes place all day on two consecutive Saturdays.

Consultation by relatives

On the first Wednesday of each month from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., an experienced member of the APK Würzburg will offer a consultation to relatives. Please register in advance registration by calling +49 931 9181967.

Consultation are held in Room 23 of the psychiatric day-care clinic at Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1.

Family consultation

To ensure that the youngest family members of the patients – the children – are not forgotten, we offer weekly family consultation. In cooperation with Diakonie Würzburg, mothers and fathers with underage children can arrange an appointment to discuss their concerns and needs and, if necessary, initiate further outpatient therapeutic support.

In addition, family talks involving the children and adolescents are provided by members of the multi-professional teams on all wards of the hospital.


Portrait of Univ.-Dipl.-Soz.päd. Ursula Beringer

Ursula Berninger M.A. (Manager)

Senior social education worker

+49 931 201-77730


Mediation and information

Phone: +49 931 201 76050
Fax: +49 931 201-77550


Phone: + 49 931 201-77800
E-Mail: ep_poli@ 

In-patient care
Phone: +49 931 201-76050
E-Mail: ep_poli@ 

Clinic directorate

Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther

Secretary´s office
Marion Hartmann
Telefon: +49 931 201-77010

Roswitha Koziol
Telefon: +49 931 201-77040


Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland
