Participating Institutions

The Clinical Research Unit (KFO 5001) ResolvePAIN conducts interdisciplinary research from several perspectives on the nerve pain causes, its physiological processes, and the resulting therapeutic options for pain resolution. To this end, several local, national, and international institutes from clinical and research sectors work closely together.

Centres of the University Hospital Würzburg

Departments of the University Hospital Würzburg

National and international institutes 

Chairs in Würzburg


Portraitfoto: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Sommer

Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Claudia Sommer, MD

Speaker of the Clinical Research Unit

+49 931 201-23763

Portraitfoto: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Heike Rittner

Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Heike Rittner, MD

Scientific Coordinator

+49 931 201-30251
