CRU 5001 Jour Fixe: Update on Service Project Z "Blood Platform" and information regarding the CRU 5001 Summer School 2024


Update on Service Project Z "Blood Platform" and information regarding the CRU 5001 Summer School 2024

Prof. Alexander Brack, MD, Deputy Clinic Director and Senior Consultant at the Anaesthesiology Department, Intensive Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy at University Hospital of Würzburg will give an update on “Blood Platform” of biosample analyses and biosamples in Project Z. The Clinician Scientist Ann-Kristin Reinhold, MD, will also present her results on the same topic.

Further information on Service Project Z "Biosample analyses and Biosamples"

The Junior Council of the CRU 5001 will present further details on the Summer School 2024.

Weitere Informationen

The event takes place as a face-to-face meeting and is free of charge. The lectures will be held in English. Guests are welcome to attend. If you are interested, please register by sending an email (see above).

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