Comprehensive Heart Failure Center - environment for research and treatment

The CHFC in one out of eight German integrated research and treatment centres. These centres are funded over a period of ten years by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). Every centre has a different topic of interest – the CHFC is committed to heart failure.

Central research facility

Within the CHFC different specialities from basic research, medicine, physics, chemistry, biology and psychology as well clinical research within the university clinic Wuerzburg in cardiology, heart surgery, endocrinology, nephrology, psychiatry and neurology are joined together. Heart failure is also a systemic disease, being accompanied by diabetes, chronic kidney failure and depression. To address all these questions an interdisciplinary approach is essential.

Interdisciplinary approach

Interaction with different specialities and basic and clinical research is important to explore heart failure in all its aspects. With this approach we can achieve a high quality in patient care and patient-focused research.

Put into practise

Many results from basic science research have – so far- no impact on patient treatment. To achieve more efficacy in this regard, the CHFC promotes translational research – from bench to bedside.

Therefore, we are bringing our results from basic science studies into patient care by investing our results in clinical trials. This leads to accelerated implementation of preventive measures and bringing new therapeutic methods to the public.

It is our goal to implement our new findings into strategies for health care management and to develop guidelines and management programmes for heart failure patients.

Research and treatment

The key advantage of the CHFC is the combination of research and patient care: patients in our outpatient clinic profit from our research results and the interdisciplinary approach.

This characteristic is important for promotion of young researchers and career options: all our scientific employees are motivated to set their own focus based on their practical experience and to decide to dedicate for research, teaching or patient care.

Areas of focus 

Areas of focus at a glance:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure
  • Clinical studies
  • Implementation of scientific results into patient care
  • Interdisciplinary research
  • Development of new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, management and therapy of heart failure
  • Promotion of young researchers
  • Shared responsibility in developing guidelines and screening programmes
  • Partnership with hospitals and doctors
  • Cooperation with health policy and health insurance
  • Public relations and information for the public
  • Intensive national and international relationships


Öffnungszeiten der Herzinsuffizienz-Ambulanz

Montag bis Donnerstag
08:00 bis 16:30 Uhr

08:00 bis 15:00 Uhr


+49 931 201-46301

+49 931 201-46333


Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz Würzburg | Universitätsklinikum Würzburg | Am Schwarzenberg 15 | Haus A15 | 97078 Würzburg | Deutschland