The strong correlation between a clearly defined genotype and the increased risk of developing neuropsychiatric morbidity across the lifespan renders deletion syndrome and duplication syndrome 22q11.2 (DS22q11.2) a “natural model” for the neurodevelopmental mechanisms in psychiatric pathogenesis.
Research objective
Multimodal investigations of the phenotype of this patient group will not only help find new strategies in treatment of DS22q11.2, but also generate new insight into neurodevelopmental mechanisms in psychiatric disease not associated with a syndrome.
Main research topics
Our research is in close cooperation with our specialized outpatient service ZEDE22q11.2 and the self-help association KiDS22q11.
Key aspects are:
- Extensive clinical phenotyping and survey of therapeutic demands in DS22q11.2
- Molecular characterization of the type of deletion/duplication and investigation of the impact of epigenetic mechanisms on the neuropsychiatric phenotype
- Characterization of the cellular phenotype in stem cell based neuronal and cardiovascular models
- Investigation of fear conditioning and fear generalization in the development of anxiety disorder in DS22q11.2
- Characterization of social cognition and social stress in DS22q11.2
- Investigation of putative biomarkers
Research Team
Prof. Dr. med. Marcel. Romanos
Head of Special Outpatient Clinic 22q
Dr. med. Franziska Radtke
Thomas Elpel
Zuzana Fouskova
Dr. rer. nat. Julia Geissler
Annette Nowak
Dr. rer. nat. Julia Reinhard
PD Dr. med. Regina Taurines
Clinical stuff:
Patricia Dengler
Tim Güntzel
Louise Haslam
Silke Hauck
Christin Heim
Michéle König
Kristin Möllers
Selected Publications
Marcel Romanos, Martin Schecklmann, Katharina Kraus, Andreas J Fallgatter, Andreas Warnke, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Manfred Gerlach
Olfactory deficits in deletion syndrome 22q11.2.
Schizophr Res 2011 Jul; 129(2-3):220-1. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2010.12.015.
Go to publication
Marcel Romanos, Ann-Christine Ehlis, Christina G Baehne, Christian Jacob, Tobias J Renner, Astrid Storch, Wolfgang Briegel, Susanne Walitza, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Andreas J Fallgatter
Reduced NoGo-anteriorisation during continuous performance test in deletion syndrome 22q11.2.
Psychiatr Res 2010 Sep; 44(12):768-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.02.001
Got to publication
Clinic and policlinic for CAPPP
Policlinic and private outpatient clinic
+49 931 201-78600
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+49 931 201-78888
Gate Center for Mental Health
+49 931 201-76050
Day clinic secretary's office
+49 931 250-8040
Prof. Dr. Marcel Romanos
+49 931 201-78000
Deputy Directorate
PD Dr. Regina Taurines
+49 931 201-78010
Directorate / Prof. Dr. Marcel Romanos
PD Dr. Regina Taurines
Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland